What are the potential side effects with Tramadol?

Tramadol is a popular drug that is used to provide relief from pain and other kinds of sufferings. But often it is compared or considered as narcotic that leaves hard consequences after some period of time. There are numerous tests and studies conducted based on which experts came to that conclusion that Tramadol is a narcotic like drug but not similar. There are some tramadol side effects and it is important to pay heed to such points before using the medication. Here are some of the potential tramadol side effects:

  • Bloody as well as Dark colored urine quit often
  • Blurred vision or else chills
  • Awkward bloating and stomach fullness
  • Confusion as well as memory loss problems
  • Increased heartbeat quite often
  • Vomiting, Nausea and cramping at times

According to experts some of the above mentioned tramadol side effects are quite rare. You can always lower the chances of experiencing such problems by following the medication as per recommendation. Tramadol is not at all narcotic and it is considered quite safe for use. But it is always important to know all the potential side effects and risks associated with the drug before starting the medication. It can make things easier for you.